We are The Daring Daughters.

We are a group of Christian women who have been called to carry million dollar businesses. We put God first while we daringly pursue what God has called us to. We are armed with the gospel of truth and equipped for the journey.

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Are You Unintentionally Pushing Customers Away? - Laws of Love, Agreement and Usefulness: Summer Book Club Series

July 03, 20245 min read

How Your Personality Traits Might Be Affecting Your Customer Relationships and Business Growth

In this episode, we explore how your personality traits might be affecting your customer relationships and business growth. We dive into the subtle ways certain behaviors and attitudes can unintentionally push customers away, and we provide practical tips on how to become more approachable, relatable, and customer-focused.

The Laws of Love, Agreement, and Usefulness

Law of Love: Am I the same person in front of my customers as my family?

The Law of Love asks us to reflect on whether we show the same kindness, patience, and authenticity to our customers as we do to our loved ones. It's easy to fall into the trap of treating business relationships as purely transactional, but customers crave genuine connections. When we bring our true selves to our interactions with customers, we build trust and loyalty. Consider how you can infuse more of your genuine personality into your business dealings, showing love and care in every interaction. Jesus commands us to love our neighbor as ourselves in Matthew 22. This means we need to love the person God created us to be (he doesn't make mistakes) and we need to treat others with that same love.

Law of Agreement: Do I look for harmony in my customers, team, and collaborations, or do I get frustrated?

The Law of Agreement encourages us to seek harmony and unity in our business relationships. Frustration and conflict can arise when we focus too much on our own needs and expectations rather than finding common ground with our customers, team members, and collaborators. Reflect on how you approach disagreements and conflicts. Do you strive for mutual understanding and agreement, or do you let frustration take over? By fostering a spirit of cooperation and agreement, you can create a more positive and productive business environment. In Amos 3:3 we are reminded to be in agreement with those we are walking with.

Law of Usefulness: Am I doing the bare minimum or going all in on what God has entrusted me with?

The Law of Usefulness challenges us to examine whether we are fully utilizing the gifts and opportunities God has given us. Are we merely doing the bare minimum to get by, or are we fully investing our time, energy, and talents into our work? The Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) teaches us the importance of making the most of what we have been given. Just as the servants in the parable were expected to invest their talents and produce a return, we too must go all in on our business endeavors. By doing so, we can achieve greater success and fulfillment.

Practical Tips for Becoming More Approachable, Relatable, and Customer-Focused

  1. Practice Active Listening: Show genuine interest in what your customers are saying. Listen more than you speak and respond thoughtfully to their needs and concerns.

  2. Show Empathy: Put yourself in your customers' shoes. Understand their pain points and challenges, and offer solutions that truly address their needs.

  3. Be Authentic: Let your true personality shine through in your interactions. Authenticity builds trust and makes customers feel valued.

  4. Seek Feedback: Regularly ask for feedback from your customers to understand how you can improve your service and relationships.

  5. Foster a Positive Attitude: Approach every interaction with a positive and helpful mindset. Your attitude can greatly influence how customers perceive your business.


By reflecting on the Laws of Love, Agreement, and Usefulness, and by implementing practical tips to enhance your approachability, relatability, and customer focus, you can transform your business relationships. Remember, just as the Parable of the Talents teaches us to make the most of our gifts, we too must invest in our relationships and interactions to build a thriving and successful business. Tune in to this week's episode for a deeper dive into these concepts and to learn how to align your personality with the values of empathy, service, and excellence.

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Try a Biblical approach...


A simple and easy to use tool that can be customized to your business goals. Whether your business is to create breathing room in the household or you have plans to really scale it, this MASTERPLAN sheet can help you stay organized and on track this year for your goals. We use this in our mastermind every call with our clients.


Join the waitlist! We are currently accepting applications for our 2025 Mastermind. You can learn about our program details here.


Oct 24-27, 2024 - Phoenix Arizona. One house in the mountains. 21 women all planning out their business and receiving supernatural growth and deliverance on their life and business. 2 Biblical experts are coming and 2 Business experts to coach and teach. Don't miss this.

👉CLICK FOR OUR ⚡5S Method (Our Path from $0-$1M)⚡

In this free guide, we show how we move our clients from $0 to $1M in our signature 5S Method guide. It is delivered over 5 emails in 5 days, outlining one "S" each day. This method is used on every client and several have reached the 7 figure revenues with it (some have plans to scale past this mark). We strive to help each client reach seven figures (if they desire that). Not everyone wants a business that large and not everyone even has a product that can scale to that. But everyone can use the method to grow their business with Biblical principles and help.

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Gretchen Heinen

Gretchen Heinen is the founder and CEO of The Daring Daughters. She is a mom, wife and nature enthusiast. She has built several businesses and coaches other women on how to start and grow a business using the Bible as our manual.

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Daring Daughters Free Community

Our community consists of women of all different types of businesses at all stages. Our common bond is a desire to grow in our faith and in our business. These often overlap. If your faith is struggling, your confidence can too. If your business is struggling, your faith can become shaky.

We help with both.

You will receive:

  1. Weekly email with encouragement

  2. Weekly podcast/YouTube episode

  3. Weekly Instagram teachings

  4. Periodic free live Webinars

  5. Invitations to our Retreats and Mastermind

  6. Access to ask us questions via email and DMs

  7. Local meet ups with other Daring Daughters

***We are a NO spam zone. We will NEVER share your email with ANYONE. Make sure you use an email you actually check.

Are you completely overwhelmed most days?

Let's fix that

Learn a new capacity you didn't know was possible.

Become respected and organized in your leadership.

Fix your business mess behind the scenes that no one but you sees.

Stop constant turn over.

Pay yourself more.

Deepen you relationship with your spouse, friends and children.

Increase your income and grow to achieve a level at which you are able to help more people.

Our Signature Method That Has Generated

Millions for our Clients


Phase 1 we step back and look at your life, your faith and your calling. We teach you how to hear the Holy Spirit, learn how to productively rest and learn how to hear the cries of your people so we can serve them.


Phase 2 you get clarity on how you are called to serve. We look at branding, setting up email marketing, landing pages, messaging and content creation. You learn the language of the people you are called to serve, how they describe their problems and what they need to be helped.


Phase 3 is where we teach you sales skills and the sales process as well as set up all your systems in order to take payment and make your online presence automated so that you can spend your time serving your people.


Phase 4 is to increase your product suite and also her your team. We teach a process of hiring unpaid college interns as your first onboards so that you can learn leadership and also help the next generation learn business.


Phase 5 is to create a succession plan for your business. Are you planning on selling? Passing it to your children? Is the income meant to help you in retirement or just get by? Are you planning on leaving a legacy with this business?

Sounds like a lot, huh?

While it can feel like a lot to step into those bold callings, we don't do it alone. This is what makes us different. We always lean into the Word of God for our source of strength and teach all levels and denominations of faith what it means to bring the Holy Spirit FIRE

into your life.

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